Printer Friendly Version DINNER IN HONOR OF MR. PETER HANDKE, WINNER OF NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE FOR 2019 @ 12 February 2020 11:48 AM

A formal dinner was held in honor of Nobel prize winner in literature Mr. Peter Handke at the Residence of the Ambassador of Serbia in Paris.

In addition to the famous writer Handke, his wife Sophie and his daughter Léocadie, the guests of Her Excellency Ambassador Nataša Marić were renowned writers, journalists, publishers and historians such as Patrick Besson, Renaud Girard, Jean-Christophe Buisson, Jean-Luc Barré and Antony Palou.

On this occasion, Peter Handke, in the circle of French intellectuals and friends of Serbia, expressed his sincere love and respect which he cherishes for the Serbian people.